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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Morello defies odds as powerlifter

She's 5-foot-4 inches, 135-pounds with long blond hair; not the image most people see when they think of a powerlifter. However, Jan Morello is making people take her serious and change their impression...

West dominates East in conference play

As the Southeastern Conference begins the first weekend of May baseball, one thing is evident. The SEC West is dominating the East. The last place team of the West, Arkansas (31-12, 11-10 SEC), leads the...

NAACP to boycott Tigerland bars

By Rebecca Markway, Staff Writer
May 1, 2003

The LSU chapter of the NAACP is encouraging a boycott of all Tigerland bars in light of Thursday's Reveille article about the bars' dress codes. NAACP President Melody Robinson said she urges students...

Letters to the Editor

May 1, 2003

LSU NAACP calls for bar boycott As of May 1, we are now calling a BOYCOTT of all Tigerland Bars, such as Reggie's and Tiger Bar, that post and implement openly racist dress code signs. For years we have...

Drain strain

By Amanda McElfresh, Staff Writer
May 1, 2003

Students may notice certain areas of campus often flood quickly after a strong shower or thunderstorm. Fred Fellner, Landscape Services assistant director, said Facility Services is aware of the problem...

Baseball heads to State

By Bryan Wideman, Sports Writer
May 1, 2003

The cheers and jeers of the Southeastern Conference will be alive and well this weekend. The LSU baseball team carries its SEC-leading record to arguably the most hostile environment in college baseball,...

Safer, sooner

By Jennifer Galjour, Columnist
May 1, 2003

If the condom breaks Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night, there's a good chance that you can see a doctor and have an emergency contraceptive prescribed within the next twenty four hours. Probably...

Stopping the smoke

Local governments may have more control in deciding smoking regulations in restaurants and bars if a bill is passed that would transfer the power of allowing smoking from the state to local ordinances. Executive...


May 1, 2003

Today - May 2 Black Graduate and Professional Student Association (BGPSA)General body meeting: "Service Learning" by Jan Shoemaker; election of 2003-04 officers5:30 p.m., AACCContact Kerey Carter, [email protected],...

Harmful ideology

A failing system

By Korey Harvey, Columnist
May 1, 2003

Secretary of State Colin Powell is conducting a May 1 to 3 round of diplomacy (we are told) in the Middle East in order to advance Arab-Israeli peace. I have no high hopes for the results of this "diplomacy;"...

Fulfilling Expectations

Fulfilling Expectations

By Chris Gibson, Sports Writer
May 1, 2003

The glitz and the glamour of the Major Leagues. Million dollar contracts, a place of popularity and recognition in our society and a fun job with many more perks. From the time boys are 5-years-old and...

Student Senate meetings draw to close

By Laura Patz, Staff Writer
May 1, 2003

The Student Senate approved the 2003-2004 Student Government budget, gave 33 members of the incoming executive staff and judicial branch final approval and accomplished several other tasks Wednesday night. After...