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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Football keeps on moving

Football keeps on moving

With the LSU football team set to scrimmage Saturday for the second time this spring, head coach Nick Saban wants to see a more crisp performance from the Tigers. Saban said the first team played well,...

Varsity Blues

Varsity Blues

By Melissa Prescott, etc. Writer
April 3, 2003

The Varsity Theatre has stood as a campus landmark and entertainment source for decades. Although the outside appearance has changed little during the years, the inside has seen many changes. The Varsity...

Band’s CD exposes listeners to dark side

If Satan ever listens to music, then it can be certain that New Orleans black metal band Goatwhore is in his CD player, blasting at full volume for all the residents of hell to listen. The dark lord probably...

Edible Etiquette

Edible Etiquette

By Lindsey deBlieux, etc. Writer
April 3, 2003

My mom taught me when I was young not to talk with my mouth full. She also taught me a really cool trick for setting the table. But dining etiquette for a 4-year-old is quite different from etiquette for...

Hidden agenda

By Cristina Mislan, Columnist
April 3, 2003

One basic thing still goes through people's heads, no matter what else is happening in the world -- sex. People commonly ask one question: What do women and men want? Every day, women and men compete with...

Breaux pushes gymnasts to the limit

By Jason Doré, Contributing Writer
April 3, 2003

Since 1977, one thing has remained constant at LSU. D-D Breaux has been head coach of the LSU gymnastics team. "She really is committed to LSU, the community and gymnastics," said sophomore gymnast Jade...

Server relates stressful restaurant atmosphere

Server relates stressful restaurant atmosphere

By Jennifer Savario, etc. Columnist
April 3, 2003

Clang, Clang, SMASH! Dishes are breaking. Rap music is blaring. Servers are complaining, "Where's my food? You forgot my macaroni and cheese. We are out of glasses in the back. We need ice in the front....

New voting system still needs work

By Josh Britton, Contributing Writer
April 3, 2003

It was a day dominated by waiting -- waiting by students in line to vote, waiting by Student Government officials as they dealt with the complaints of the day and, ultimately, waiting by the candidates...

University eateries feature fine dining, fast food

University eateries feature fine dining, fast food

By Perisha Hendricks, etc. Writer
April 3, 2003

Chili's, Applebee's, Joe's, Cane's and ... Magnolia's? The first three names are recognized easily as popular eateries around the Baton Rouge area. The fourth also is a great place to eat, and it's even...


April 3, 2003

Today - Thursday, April 3 Sigma Alpha IotaAnnual book sale to benefit music resources in the library8:30-9 p.m. in the School of Music lobby The Chapel on the CampusPrayer service for the capture of the...

Seeking out a different view

Release marks new era

Chris Rock's "Head of State" claimed the top spot at the box office last weekend. It's not often that a minority filmmaker's movie featuring minorities takes the crowning spot. Ask Spike Lee. Only once,...

Letters to the Editor

April 3, 2003

SG voting better, still needs work When I went to vote in the 2003 Student Government Elections today, I decided to go to the Quad, thinking that would be the quickest place to vote. The wait was an hour...