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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




April 1, 2003

Today - Tuesday, April 1 Running Club of LSU Running, jogging or walking 6 p.m., Laville Patio Progressive Student Alliance General body meeting 8 p.m., Union Contact Brian Marks, 334-3687 Black Culture...

Union fee proposal: Too Much, Too Soon

By Bradley Aldrich, Columnist
April 1, 2003

It appears support for the proposed Union fee increase is rivaling that of our most beloved increase of years past, the $3 "Drunk bus" fee of 2001 -- or maybe the Union's budget for get-out-the-vote efforts...


By Adrienne Breaux, Columnist
April 1, 2003

Sometimes I wonder if I will ever live in a world where race is not an issue. It seems no matter whom I am with, at some time the discussion will turn to race. Although in most of these conversations the...

Select students submit to extra registration

By James Gaddy, Staff Writer
April 1, 2003

Sunrise is a full hour away when Samir Al-Otaibi climbs in the van outside the International Cultural Center at 5:30 a.m. The Mississippi River fog will not lift for another two hours. "I never get up...

Off the cuff

By Rebekah Monson
April 1, 2003

ATTENTION REVEILLE READERS: Because of a large number of complaints regarding the vulgarity and utter inanity of "Off the Cuff," the column is hereby canceled. We, the editors of this publication, respect...

Letters to the Editor

By Andria Jensen
April 1, 2003

Students shouldn't foot bill for Union I write today to urge the campus community to join with me in voting down the proposed Union Fee. Students currently are assessed a fee of $102.75 per year (spring,...

Bills propose excellence fee increase

By Jerry Fisher, Contributing Writer
April 1, 2003

University students may see an increase on their fee bills, pending legislative approval and implementation by the LSU Board of Supervisors. Students generally are uninformed about how the Academic Excellence...

Practical pledges?

Many students may wonder if the campaign promises handed out on push-cards in Free Speech Alley and spouted by Student Government hopefuls are actually feasible. While SG presidential and vice presidential...

Lady Tigers, UT to fight for Final Four

By Jessica Waldon, Sports Editor
April 1, 2003

STANFORD, Calif. -- LSU and Texas face off for the second time this season in the NCAA West Regional Finals at 8 p.m. CST on ESPN. It is the No. 1 seed versus the No. 2 seed in what LSU head coach Sue...

Opposing groups use scare tactics

By Lauren Wilbert, Staff Writer
April 1, 2003

Free speech in America has been fought for and protected since the beginning of the country's existence, and many court cases have developed in order to protect this constitutional right. Some students,...

Swim team places 18th

By Amanda Vierck, Contributing Writer
April 1, 2003

The LSU men's swimming and diving team finished its season on a high note last weekend, after breaking three school records to finish 18th out of 40 teams represented at the NCAA Championships. Auburn...

Individual efforts key sports

Ladies possess heart

By Jason Martin, Sports Writer
April 1, 2003

What else can you say about Sue Gunter and the Lady Tigers? Of all the great terms people have associated with them during this magical year, one trait stood out in No. 3 LSU's 69-63, dramatic Sweet 16...