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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University




March 26, 2003

Today - Wednesday, March 26, 2003 You Could be Next Safety program sponsored by Residential Life 7 p.m., Miller Hall Contact Janeice Benson, 344-6850 LSU NAACP Table sit from noon-2 p.m., Free Speech Alley...

TOPS application process raises student concern

By Rebecca Markway, Staff Writer
March 26, 2003

Cleve Brooks, dean of admissions and father of three children who have received TOPS, wishes the form he has to fill out to be eligible for the state scholarship was shorter and easier to complete. The...

In a minute

In a minute

Emir Macari, chairman of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, experienced his first earthquake as a 6-day-old infant in Mexico City. He grew up to study earthquakes, examining the way...

Group’s class documentary to ‘examine’ election

By Josh Britton, Contributing Writer
March 26, 2003

In the midst of Student Government elections, one group of students is working diligently to expose the truth about what goes on. They are not handing out push cards or donning T-shirts with catchy slogans...

Linebackers to fill big shoes

By Chris Gibson, Sports Writer
March 26, 2003

Linebacker Lionel Turner learned much from departing senior Bradie James. Most of all, he learned to leave it all out on the field. "The thing I learned from Bradie was go full speed, 100 miles per hour,"...

Individuals arrested for allegedly trespassing in fieldhouse

By Samantha Sieber, Chief Staff Writer
March 26, 2003

In the past week, LSUPD has made multiple arrests for incidents occurring on campus. Police arrested three individuals Tuesday on charges of criminal mischief and trespassing. While on foot patrol in the...

Concluding the Celebration

The Black History Month celebration ended Tuesday night with a lecture on such issues as drug use in inner cities, talking negatively about others and the ongoing war with Iraq. Keynote speaker Sonia Sanchez...

All-American strives for best

By Amanda Vierck, Contributing Writer
March 26, 2003

As soon as swimming and diving head coach Jeff Cavana pulls into the Natatorium parking lot for practice, Evan Martinec is there waiting to begin. Cavana chats with him as he unlocks the door. The other...

Zephyr Field curse continues

By Bryan Wideman, Sports Writer
March 26, 2003

METAIRIE -- In dramatic fashion, New Orleans right fielder Drew Pizza roped a Jake Tompkins' curve ball down the first base line in the bottom of the ninth inning to score pinch runner Josh Jones, leading...

Forum dispels myths

By Walter Gabriel, Contributing Writer
March 25, 2003

The Minority Action Team and Student Government discussed the myths of affirmative action and how to educate people on it in a forum in the Student Union on Monday. Brian Vallier, regional chair of the...

Federal law requires crime statistic disclosure

By Dorothy Paul, Contributing Writer
March 25, 2003

Any crime reported to a University official must be reported to the Dean of Students to comply with federal law. Wellness Education Coordinator Kim Munro said the report can remain anonymous if the student...

Catching on: Receivers run wild

By Jason Martin, Sports Writer
March 25, 2003

Head coach Nick Saban has stressed finding leaders since spring football started two weeks ago and will look for Michael Clayton to fill that role before the Tigers open the season Aug. 30 against the...