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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



Speaker continues crusade

Speaker continues crusade

By Amanda McElresh, Staff Writer
March 19, 2003

For Katie Koestner, the worst night of her life has turned into a personal crusade. Koestner silenced the audience with the story of her rape experience Tuesday night at the Cox Center for Student Athletes...

Bench player ‘happy no matter what’

By Jason Martin, Sports Writer
March 19, 2003

From her spot at the end of the bench, Patty Hanten can see everything that goes on in the game for the No. 3 LSU women's basketball team. The senior from Brazil has played sparingly in her two years since...

Fraternity house to gain office, computer lab

Greek life is sometimes associated with negative connotations, but Sigma Phi Epsilon is attempting to change that view. The LSU Sig Ep chapter has signed on to take part in the Residential Learning Community...

Rain halts Tigers, Southern

Rain halts Tigers, Southern

By Bryan Wideman, Sports Writer
March 19, 2003

A driving rain storm cancelled Tuesday night's game between LSU and the Southern University Jaguars at The Bluff. With the Tigers holding a 3-2 lead in the top of the fifth inning, the downpour gained...

Emmert abandons increase

By Samantha Sieber, Chief Staff Writer
March 19, 2003

Chancellor Mark Emmert announced late Tuesday the University would not ask the legislature to increase the number of seats allowed for fund raising. The University has recently been working on a proposal...

Divers to send three to nationals

By Amanda Vierck, Contributing Writer
March 19, 2003

LSU's diving team competed in the Zone B Diving Regionals last weekend and all three divers qualified to compete in this year's NCAA Championships. Senior All-American Barb Gorst took home the win in the...

Cross Walking

Cross Walking

By Josh Britton, Contributing Writer
March 19, 2003

Many people on campus seem to have a near-miss story with harrowing details of the time they practically were run down by a car while crossing Highland Road or South Stadium Drive. Alicia Gholar is one...


March 19, 2003

Today - Wednesday, March 19, 2003 "Cultural Hybridity in Nigeria and Senegal: Between Islam and the West" 7 p.m. in the ICC Contact Josh Duplechain, 578-5685 LSU Roller Hockey Club Organizational meeting...

Yoder named fifth victim

By Samantha Sieber, Chief Staff Writer
March 19, 2003

Seventeen high-ranking federal, state and local law enforcement and government officials stood together as Baton Rouge Police Chief Pat Englade announced LSU graduate student Carrie Yoder is the fifth...

On the brink

By Rebecca Markway, Staff Writer
March 19, 2003

Two of the three televisions in the Union food court were playing CNN on Tuesday with students attentively watching the latest developments with the "Showdown with Iraq." After President George W. Bush's...

Justice allows disqualified candidate to run

By Laura Patz, Staff Writer
March 19, 2003

The Student Government Trial Court on Tuesday overturned last week's Election Board decision to disqualify two potential candidates for SG president and vice president. After a long hearing and a late-night...

Letters to the Editor

March 19, 2003

TOPS students don't owe anything This is a response to the letter to the editor in yesterday's paper that stated TOPS students should be required to serve in the Louisiana work force for a period of time...