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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University



The Big Deal

With a swift stroke of the pen, President Thomas Jefferson signed off on a treaty that doubled the size of the country. It added more than 500 million acres and cost $15 million. The Louisiana Purchase...

Golf to play SEC events

By Ronnie McLellan, Contributing Writer
March 14, 2003

The LSU golf teams participate in tournaments hosted by fellow Southeastern Conference members this weekend. The LSU men compete at the University of Alabama's Conrad Rehling Invitational. The teams will...

Lent focuses on life’s purpose

By Lauren Wilbert, Staff Writer
March 14, 2003

After the drunken madness and overexposure of body parts in New Orleans last week, many people are calming down to reflect on the spiritual time of Lent. At the end of Fat Tuesday, New Orleans clears everyone...

Motley decor personalizes space

By Jerry Fisher, Contributing Writer
March 13, 2003

Decorating an apartment or dorm room creatively and inexpensively can be done more easily than most people think. Even though college students generally budget very little to decorate the places where...

Spring practice ready to kick off

Just like he does for every spring practice, LSU football coach Nick Saban sets objectives for the LSU football team to accomplish. Saban announced those objectives and other spring goals Wednesday as...

Offering insight on shacking

Offering insight on shacking

I was tossing and turning about what to write my column about for this issue. Knowing this was the living guide, I was trying to avoid the traditional advice column on where I lived, how I survived and...

‘Legacy’ programs offer benefits

By Damiane Ricks, Contributing Writer
March 13, 2003

Although University programs that benefit only children of LSU alumni exist, officials said these "legacy applicants" are not given preferential consideration over other admissions applicants. Jody Hammett,...

SG justice grants injunction

By Laura Patz, Staff Writer
March 13, 2003

A University Trial Court Justice granted potential Student Government presidential and vice presidential candidates an injunction Wednesday to allow them to file for candidacy. Justice Robert Richey granted...

Bus services ease traffic troubles for off-campus students

It's 7:30 a.m., and for some, classes are set to begin. A number of students roll out of bed in their residence halls and walk to their first class. A group of cyclists meander across the Quad and crosswalks....

Campus life offers unique perspective

By Dorothy Paul, Contributing Writer
March 13, 2003

Between promiscuous roommates and squalid bathrooms, for some students, living on campus is not always pleasant. However, most say the convenience of having classes and the library within walking distance...

Lightning strikes basketball team

By Bryan Wideman, Sports Writer
March 13, 2003

With the LSU basketball team on a five-game winning streak headed into the Southeastern Conference Tournament, there is a lot of speculation about what turned the season around propelling them for a likely...

Softball dismisses Colonels

By Jason Martin, Sports Writer
March 13, 2003

Bottom of the ninth inning, one out, a runner at second with the score tied 3-3 -- not the typical situation in a softball game, but LSU's Christy Connor used it to her advantage. Connor blasted a two-run,...