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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


Courtney Bell

Courtney Bell, Deputy News Editor

Why did you join the Reveille? 

I love LSU and I love to write, so joining the Reveille was a dream for me ever since I moved to Baton Rouge. I was very excited when I saw an opening in the news section because I knew my work could be impactful and rewarding.

What positions have you held at the Reveille?

I was a news reporter prior to becoming the deputy news editor.

What’s your favorite thing about working at the Reveille?

The people that I’ve met through reporting have been incredibly impactful on my life. I covered a lot of heavy topics in my time as a news reporter, but the people I interviewed held positive outlooks and were incredibly engaged no matter how difficult their work was. The same is true for the people I work with at the Reveille. These mindsets and work ethics have been very motivating and impactful to me.

What’s your favorite story that you’ve written so far?

I wrote a story about Louisiana Parole Project, an organization that helps people who have been incarcerated with their re-entry process. My interviews from this story made me a much more thoughtful person, and meeting the people who were incarcerated was eye opening.

What do you hope to do after graduation?

I want to go to law school.

All content by Courtney Bell