Ethan Stenger, Sports Editor
Why did you join the Reveille?
I worked at my student newspaper during my junior and senior years of high school, so it felt like a no-brainer. It was a smooth transition.
What positions have you held at the Reveille?
I was a sports reporter during my freshman year, covering soccer in the fall and the national champion gymnastics team in the spring.
What’s your favorite thing about working at the Reveille?
The experiences that the Reveille has offered me have honestly changed my life. When I got to cover the SEC and national championships for gymnastics and Alabama-LSU on a Saturday night in Death Valley, there were moments when I just took a step back and thought, “Wow, Ethan, you can do this. This dream isn’t so far-fetched.”
What’s your favorite story that you’ve worked on so far?
Last March, my mom walked into the living room while I watched a men’s college basketball game and said, “Wait, why do they play two halves instead of four quarters?” My dad had asked the same question days earlier, so I finally answered it. If you ask Google, my article is one of the first things that comes up. It’s pretty remarkable to think that people will be coming back to read my words for years to come.
What do you hope to do after graduation?
Inspire curiosity, spread compassion and change the world with art.