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The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


The Student News Site of Louisiana State University


2. Fais Do-Do 4/22/23

By DJ HONEY April 22, 2023

Disco Et Fais Do-Do, Bruce Daigrepont Toi, Tu Veux Pus De Moi, The Revelers Give Him Cornbread, Beau Jocque and the Zydeco Hi-Rollers That Was Your Mother, Paul Simon (Dickie Landry and the Twisters) I'm...

Fais do-do

April 16, 2023

Fais do-do is a cajun french term for a party! Anybody that steps foot in south Louisiana knows cajuns love to go out and dance, this is definitely not a recent development. Since the 19th century parents...


1. Fais Do-Do 4/15/23

By DJ HONEY April 15, 2023

Allons Danser (Let's Dance)- Steve Riley, The Mamou Playboys My Toot Toot- Rockin' Sidney Boogie Shoe's- Lee Benoit Johnnie Can't Dance- Wayne Toups, Zydecajun Johnny Can't Dance- Corey Ledet and His Zydeco...