What constitutes using Adderall without a prescription?
Common answers consist of finals week, midterms and tests.
But some answers might be a little more risqué, such as, “I woke up and went to class today.”
Yes, it is common for college students to use and regularly abuse Adderall without facing repercussions.
And to no one’s surprise, this is also common knowledge around campus.
But it’s an amphetamine. Meaning that without a prescription, it is not only illegal to have, but in some cases, can be addictive leading to death or suicide, as did Richard Fee, a college student who became addicted and killed himself earlier this week, according to The New York Times.
The Times reports that the problem is growing at a rapid rate.
Even so, that might not really mean much to you until ecstasy and crystal meth are grouped within the same realms by the Food and Drug Administration.
Life isn’t a Perpetual Groove concert, and although that would be pretty cool, your body doesn’t need to be running on all cylinders, five days a week.
Now, I’m not suggesting you hold an intervention for every friend you have that occasionally uses the drug.
However, when abused on a regular basis, a slow-down would be worth mentioning.
And before you look up from this article and say, “Man, no way man, Adderall saved my life, man; I was cracked out on it all night, man,” do a little research.
The Times blasted doctors for handing out Adderall prescriptions like candy after Fee hanged himself once his favorite drug ran dry.
Fee’s parents warned him that he would die if he continued to abuse the drug.
The New York Times reported that the statistics show “nearly 14 million monthly prescriptions for the condition were written for Americans ages 20 to 39 in 2011, two-and-a-half times the 5.6 million just four years before, according to the data company IMS Health.”
Why, then, should LSU be exempted from aiding this number, especially when it is as simple as a text to a friend that you have a test the next day?
“Not only is it easily accessible through students, but it is very easily attainable through doctors as well, without having serious symptoms pertaining to ADD or ADHD,” said Tripp Wells, anthropology junior. “It’s a little odd that a large facet of the student body is against cocaine, but will openly and habitably use Adderall without a prescription.”
Is it too far off to assume that anyone who plays his or her cards right can have a prescription of their own if they haven’t found a buddy with one?
Certainly not.
The standard process can easily be manipulated by incorrectly answering questions on a standard test for ADHD and prepping for questions that will come up in the process, according to Exiledonline.com.
Just like that, you can have yourself 90 days of prescribed Vyvanse.
It’s as easy as drinking underage in Reggie’s Bar.
“But John, that’s a good thing, dude. Now I won’t have to worry about finding some before my test this week,” you might tell yourself.
Oh, word — it’s like that weird feeling when grabbing a pinch of dip and seeing, “Warning: Smokeless tobacco is addictive.”
Wait, what? Oh yeah, that’s a thing; people die from that.
See above: people die from abusing “study drugs.” Yes, it is a real thing. So is death.
So next time you’re studying, grab a friend, make a playlist to listen to on Spotify or read the senseless rambling etched into your desk at Club Middleton.
By the way, we have a Community Coffee in the library — that works too.