Grade: A
“The Exorcist” first started scaring the crap out audiences in 1973. The amazing feat is that this horror flick still possesses (rimshot) the power to traumatize modern movie watchers. Anyone who has watched a ’70s or ’80s scary movie can attest to laughing audibly at the ridiculously outdated special effects and make up. However, “The Exorcist” still holds up to today’s standards pretty well using props like split pea soup. The film was a trailblazer in many aspects during its heyday in terms of religion, sexuality and obscenity. Many films have tried to recreate the magic and push boundaries like the original demonic possession movie but have never quite matched up. What makes this movie so creepy and unsettling is the acting and storytelling more than any other qualities with the exception of the demon’s face. That ish still scares the beejezus out of me.