Daniela Mack and Lisette Oropesa, professional opera singers and University alumnae, performed at the Crowne Plaza hotel Sunday as part of gala concert banquet to raise money for the University’s opera program.
University students and community members gathered to dine, listen to the two performers and participate in a silent auction.
Chair of voice and opera in the School of Music Robert Grayson said the gala could raise $30,000 to $40,000, funds which will support young singers participating in the opera program.
The money raised will translate into graduate assistantships for the program, with five new already created this year. Grayson said these assistantships allow the program to continuously produce successful professionals, having sent a singer to the New York Metropolitan Opera every decade since the ‘30s.
Mack and Oropesa were chosen because they stand among the top graduates from the opera program and are young and relatable to the current students, he said.
Oropresa said she met with some of the current vocal performance students on Thursday and shared some of her experiences with them to help them prepare for life in the professional field.
The ladies performed two acts, and chose pieces they felt would be recognizable to people who may not be familiar with
opera, they said.
The two agreed spreading the beauty of opera was something they felt passionately about. They said they hope to get youth more involved in music education.
“We’re trying to unveil the mystery a little bit and realize opera singers aren’t all big, old people with horns,” Oropesa said.
Masters student in vocal performance Rebecca Kremer said events like the gala help students understand what awaits in the professional world and supports the program financially.
“I’m really grateful,” she said.“I wouldn’t have been able to come her if it weren’t for the scholarship money that I got.”
Alumnae perform to raise money for opera program
By Zach Carline
September 8, 2013
LSU Alumnea Lisette Oropesa (left) and Daniela Mack (right) belt out their repetoir Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013 at a gala concert banquet held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.