I have a 4.0 GPA, I am actively involved on campus and I give back to the baton rouge community. I paid $17,000 to LSU this semester for tuition. I came to LSU with the hopes of getting a scholarship, the International Student Non Resident Undergraduate Honor Award scholarship to be precise, but it has been discontinued due to budget cuts. International students are ineligible for the Board of Supervisors Scholarship. If the Board of Supervisors think we do not deserve a scholarship no matter how hard we work, then LSU: why admit international students at all?.
Residential life is another department on campus that does not care about international students. In May this year, I had to move out of my dorm the Sunday after finals, I moved into another dorm for two weeks for intercession then I moved out after intercession and moved into WCA for summer school then I had to move out after summer school in July and put my things in storage then move in again in August. I moved in and out seven times in four months; the move was beyond stressful.
Several LSU peer institutions offer scholarships to international students, UGA, Texas A&M, University of Arkansas, University of Colorado, Purdue University and Iowa State University all offer scholarships to international students.
My advice to LSU (President King, LSU alumni, and administrators): Please help international students.
My advice to Residential Life: Get an international undergraduate student housing, open all year round.
Letter to the Editor: LSU has no appreciation for international students
By Rachel Roy
September 26, 2013