Grade: B-
While “Intersections” was one of my most anticipated fall records, I have to admit that it took a few spins for me to be all right with Into It. Over It.’s latest effort. After hearing early-released tracks from the record, I was ready for a new and improved sound but was instead greeted with tracks that sound nearly identical to old material. However, the album works because it’s a steady conglomeration of everything Evan Weiss has ever lent his hand to — smooth melodies, raw vocals and honest lyrics. The recording quality is DIY without sounding terrible — it’s on that line of being just relatable enough to be recorded in your parents’ basement and having the quality of a studio recorded album. Notable tracks include the brutally honest “No Amount of Sound” and the classic Weiss-sounding “Your Antique Organ.”
Review: Into It. Over It., “Intersections”
September 25, 2013