On June 25, 2009, I’ll never forget where I was when I heard that someone I had grown up with had passed away. When I saw the news on CNN, I was heartbroken, and began to tear up. My whole family was affected by the news.
Who am I talking about? None other than the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. I may not have known him personally, but his music was the soundtrack to the majority of my life and his death was a shocking reminder that even those that seem indestructible are still mortal.
This week, after the tragic death of Fast & Furious actor Paul Walker, the discussion of “mourning” celebrity deaths has come up quite a bit. Since celebs have become easy objects to mock, many forget that at the end of the day, they’re human beings like the rest of us.
Many believe that being sad about a celebrity death is insensitive because you didn’t actually know the person. However, if you grew up watching their films or listening to their music, many of these stars touch your life in ways that you never realize until they’re gone.
Now, when I say mourn, I’m not talking about wearing all black for 40 days and lighting a candle for them at church. There is definitely a line between creepy stalker fan and simply a human being that is saddened by a death. Instead, if you were really affected, simply remember the star by marathon-ing a few of their films or donating to their charity.
So, it’s definitely okay to “mourn” the death of a celebrity. You’re simply being a completely normal, compassionate human being. We can’t forget that they are humans first, celebrities second. They leave behind family, friends, and a body of work that can never be replicated.
Is it okay to mourn celebrity deaths?
By Aggi Ashagre
December 4, 2013