Grade: C+
After multiple release dates, Rick Ross’ sixth album “Mastermind” has finally hit the shelves. The record stays true to Ross’ standard mafioso rap scheme. Songs like “Rich is Gangsta” and “Drug Dealers Dream” are placed at the beginning of the album to remind fans of why they like Ross’ music at all. The middle of “Mastermind” relies on features from other artists such as Jay Z and Kanye West to get listeners through Ross’ lazy and repetitive lyrics. The production quality of the record is far superior to previous albums, but Ross’ rhymes about guns, drugs and women don’t connect with the creative beats. Rick Ross’ “Mastermind” shows how comfortable the Maybach Music Group founder is with his style of music. The complacency he has to stay in his own musical lane resonates through the album, which may cost Ross a few listeners in the long run
Review: Rick Ross – “Mastermind”
March 5, 2014