Lab final, oral exam, final project; the amount of work crammed into the week before finals is unfair, said Devonta Guidry, sociology sophomore. Textiles, apparel and merchandising sophomore Lyonel Nicholas was more blunt, calling the workload “stupid.”
The week before final exams, commonly called dead week, is supposed to be a time for students to prepare without worrying about class work, said Student Government President Clay Tufts. It includes the concentrated study period, which is the five-day stretch immediately preceding the week of final examinations — Wednesday through Sunday — according to SG’s website.
“It’s meant to be a kind of stress relief,” Tufts said, “especially for upper level courses, your final might be a paper that takes more than the night before to do.”
Terry Morris, elementary education sophomore, said he only had a take-home final and a test due the Monday of dead week. He said it’s nice to have the rest of the week free.
Other students have a different experience. Mechanical engineering junior Grant McIntyre said he has a lab final this week in addition to a major project due on Friday. He said the term Dead Week shouldn’t be used because the week before finals is always stressful.
“Dead week is a name people give this week, but nobody really pays attention to it,” he said.
For those whose teachers keep with the spirit of the concentrated study period, there are still issues. Computer science freshman Kristen Barrett, who has to give a speech and take an exam today, said teachers have pushed all their important material into the two days before the concentrated study period begins.
“I’m learning new material this week,” Barrett said.
Tufts said the teachers he’s had experience with are usually very accommodating, asking students directly what they’d like to focus on during dead week.
SG Vice President Taylor Lambert said some students have a different final exam schedule because of the nature of their majors. Certain majors have a final project due the week before scheduled finals, instead of an exam.
Tufts said this year is a horrible example of how dead week is supposed to be because spring break was so late. He said LSU President F. King Alexander realized this, and sent out an email warning students they’d come back two weeks before finals.
Tufts said the administration is looking at scheduling for next semester to fix issues.
Dead week not so dead, students say
April 28, 2014
Dead week can be a stressful time for students.