Campus construction will yield a variety of new facilities for housing and research, said Roger Husser, University Facility Services director of planning, design and construction.
“Currently, there are 63 projects under construction,” Husser said.
Housing construction can be seen throughout different areas of campus, with renovations of existing facilities underway and new facilities in the works.
Phase I of construction of the new residence halls on the north side of campus near Kirby Smith Hall is progressing. Husser said the new hall will be available for occupancy by fall 2015. Phase II, currently in design, should be ready by fall 2016, Husser said. He said the cost of each hall will be around $35 million.
Husser said Annie Boyd Hall recently completed the renovation process, costing a total of $14 million. The University also plans to renovate Evangeline Hall by 2017. These renovations are “gut renovations,” Husser said, re-imagining the facilities from the ground up.
A noticeable new building on campus is the Animal and Food Science Laboratory Building on Forestry Lane. Primarily intended for research, the $20 million facility also boasts a computer lab for classes.
Husser said the largest task underway is the expansion and construction project for the College of Engineering. The project, which includes the expansion of Patrick F. Taylor Hall, will begin construction next fall.
Other visible projects include the $80 million expansion of Tiger Stadium’s south end, Husser said, which is still slated for completion August 2014.
Construction space on the bottom floor of the Student Union will house Student Recruitment and Career Services by next fall, Husser said. That development amounts to $8 million.
Husser said the French House will undergo a renovation “within the next few months.”
UREC expansion is still ongoing. The latest detail is that a parking lot containing several hundred spaces is planned for construction near Lod Cook Alumni Center, Husser said. The renovation and expansion of the current UREC site will start later this spring.
New projects visible around campus
By Lyle Manion
January 30, 2014