Every professor has a different teaching method. Whether it’s lectures, in-class activities, outside readings or a mix, there is no doubt that some are more effective than others.
But what matters more: method or passion?
College professors have a particularly important role. Unlike high school teachers, college professors are teaching classes that are highly sought-after and very costly. They must give students the education that they’re paying for.
When students add classes to their schedules, they check each professor’s reputation. Are they strict about deadlines? Are they easy to contact and open to answering questions about the material? Are the lectures easy to follow? These are questions that run through students’ minds when they choose a professor.
One of the most common methods of teaching is lectures. While many students consider lectures boring, when done correctly, they can be highly effective. When professors make connections between ideas, show the bigger picture of the lesson and focus on a few main points each class period, lectures can be a great way to promote retention of material.
History professor Gaines Foster hopes his “lectures help students master content, the substance of the history behind those interpretations, but also to see a model of how to construct an interpretation or argument about history.”
To reinforce information provided through his lectures, Foster also provides an outline of each class, so that students can easily follow along. Rather than simply reading from a presentation, Foster finds ways to engage his students with course material, displaying his passion for history in each lecture.
Foster has a high rating of 4.4 on RateMyProfessors.com. One student gave him a stellar review, stating, “Professor Foster is so knowledgeable and…is super caring and accessible!” Another said, “He was so nice and was always ready to help out students.” While his teaching methods are very effective, what seems to be more important to his students is his passion for his job and care for his students’ success.
Assistant political science professor Anna Gunderson also chooses to use lectures to teach. As a professor, Gunderson has a responsibility to make sure her students fully understand the material and why what they are learning is important.
Gunderson said the most important questions for her students to keep in mind are “Why do we care? Why should we care?” She believes an effective way to keep students engaged during lectures is “to ask them questions that further and challenge simple concepts.”
“I consider it a privilege to teach, and I am excited to do so,” Gunderson said. “I think that excitement is palpable, and students can tell—if you’re passionate about the material, they are more likely to pay attention and learn.”
Students who have reviewed Gunderson on RateMyProfessors.com describe her as “open-minded and informative,” as well as saying she is “extremely understanding and genuinely wants you to learn the material.” Her lectures are described as “engaging,” but once again, her passion and care for students appears to outweigh her teaching methods.
Lectures are a great way to teach because professors can very easily incorporate other methods into this style. For example, Foster assigns outside readings to supplement his lectures. These readings are used to reinforce ideas discussed in class and are asked about on tests and quizzes along with lecture materials. Gunderson chooses to further engage students by asking questions and encouraging her students to connect the concepts they learn through the lectures to current events.
When professors genuinely care about what they’re teaching, they will find ways to keep students engaged and interesting. These two professors are prime examples of passion, enhancing a teaching method that is typically criticized by students.
While students may not consider lectures to be the most effective form of teaching, it may not be the method that’s the problem, but rather the professor’s lack of passion for the subject.
Mia Coco is a 19-year-old political communication student from Alexandria.
Opinion: Passionate professors can make any teaching method worthwhile
By Mia Coco
April 26, 2022
Teaching methods