“I wish I knew less before coming to LSU because change is inevitable. I was stockpiling study habits and tips on being sociable, trying to the best person possible, capable of handling every scenario. There was no way to know I would have to unlearn so much past behavior to become who I am today. The only thing more valuable than knowledge coming into college, would’ve been ignorance and the ability to start from scratch.”
Gideon Fortune | @gidfortune
“I have only been at LSU for less than a year, but I have learned so much about myself and the world since I got here. Coming into my first semester, I didn’t imagine how different school would be. Having a different schedule each day forces you to have self-discipline and time management skills that were less important in high school. I wish I would have known how much time I would have to myself. The independence you gain in college is a lot to adjust to, and if I had been better prepared, this independence would not have been such a shock.”
Mia Coco | @MiaMarieCoco1
“I wish I could tell myself which classes were going to be hard for me. I’ve had people tell me which classes are difficult and which are easy, but some classes surprised me with their rigor. Knowing how much time classes would take beforehand would’ve helped me a lot.”
Frank Kidd | @FK446852315
“Spending time on campus is one of the best things you can do to improve your short time here at the flagship. From hanging out on the parade grounds, eating at the Student Union or just studying with friends at the library, there are plenty of places and activities that can engage you more deeply with the campus community, which has helped me enjoy my time much more.”
Charlie Stephens | @CharlieStephns
“I would tell myself to take advantage of the time that I have while it’s still early. When it comes to academics, do everything to get the highest grades possible—it won’t get any easier and you might regret losing an easy, early boost for your GPA. Spend more time with your friends and neighbors in the dorm because moving, internships, and preparing for graduation will take up way more time than you think. Above all, I’d say don’t miss the chance to make unique memories whether that’s LSU events and games, one-time opportunities and trips or even silly mistakes.”
Drake Brignac | @drakebrignac
“I wish that I would have known the importance of GPA early on. As a freshman, I was excited to be in college and meet new people. I was less focused on the academic aspect of things. I did not know how drastically a C or even a B can drag your GPA down. If I had to do it all again, I would focus more on my easy electives rather than not taking them seriously and settling for a low grade.”
Lura Stabiler | @lstabiler3
“I wish I could tell my younger self about the importance of getting to know your professors. Having a positive, informed relationship with the people who provide instruction offers more boons than anyone could express in a few short words. Going to your professors’ office hours, helping them to understand your situation as a student and an individual, learning about each other’s goals for the course—all of these things allow them to properly support and assist you in being the most successful student you can be.”
Noah McKinney | @itsthatnoah
“One of the things I wish I could tell freshman year me is to minimize the cost of college as much as possible. I purchased one of the most expensive meal plans, which I never really used. I purchased all the required textbooks, most of which I didn’t even open. I bought a lot of extra school supplies when I ended up just using my laptop. I listened to the advice of faculty from LSU when I should’ve listened to the advice of other students when it came to what I needed freshman year.”
Kacey Buercklin | @0kacey1
“When I got to college, I was excited about the independence, but now I know that skipping one class can lead to the hardest addiction to break. When you skip a class once, you make up excuses not to go to the next few, and eventually it can lead to skipping all the time. While thankfully my grades did not suffer, I wish I never missed a class to begin with, because even if I can complete the work on my own time, the structure of going to each class is great for mental health.”
Kate Beske | @KateBeske