Take a second and think about the last time you observed the world around you. Not the obvious and most alarming things, but the small and overlooked things.
Life can get chaotic and busy at times, your schedule may never seem free or your to-do list may always seem never ending.
It’s easy to not have time for yourself or anything else.
When was the last time you stopped and honestly noticed the little things?
It can be difficult when life is so busy. There always seems to be a million things to do but it’s so very important to dedicate time to have gratitude for the world around you, to have gratitude for yourself, and to actively try to look for the good in every situation.
Many attribute their success and accomplishments with how busy they are.
Busyness does not equal success though, nor does it equate to happiness.
How successful are you really if you aren’t happy?
This is a common misconception that many fall into. We tend to believe that by accomplishing all of our goals that somehow it will be enough. Usually, it’s not.
Living in the present and not just going through the motions can lead to happiness.
Actively choosing to see the good even when you don’t always accomplish your goals can lead to happiness. There are so many ways to stay busy, accomplish your goals and live in the moment without burning out.
Overworking yourself might not be as conducive to your goals as letting yourself breathe. It’s beneficial to take time out for yourself every day to avoid burning out. A passionate madness is normal and can be great in some ways, but burning yourself out isn’t.
It’s good to have obligations and stay busy, but only when it’s not at the cost of your mental health. A healthy and certain level of stress can be beneficial, but only when everything is in moderation.
Try to give yourself grace in life. You are doing the best you can and it is okay to give yourself credit. Especially when it’s due, which is way more often than you think.
There are so many things that we don’t notice just throughout our day, but if we did notice it could change the entire impact of our day.
There’s truly beauty through the madness, no matter how bad the situation may seem. There’s always a silver lining or something positive. With this mindset, it’s easier to find these things. Eventually you won’t have to actively seek the good out, it will come naturally to you.
For starters, each day, you should task yourself with the challenge of appreciating something new. It could be as small as appreciating the sun for brightening your day or as large as telling your friends how much they mean to you.
The simple acts add up and can overall improve your outlook on life. You become more aware of your surroundings and your intentions. You come to the realization that everything is intentional as you are intentionally choosing to see the beauty throughout the madness.
Lindsay Bickham is a 19-year-old mass communication freshman from New Orleans.