As college students, staying organized and making the most of our time are integral to our success. Here are a few ways that you can do so successfully while still accomplishing everything that you need to do.
1. Plan Out Your Days
Taking a few minutes, whether the night before or the morning of a new day, to formally write out an agenda for the day can give you a clearer idea of everything you need to accomplish within a given time frame. Checking each task off your list can also bring you a sense of accomplishment. You can use the notes feature on your laptop to keep a daily agenda or the Tasks feature on your smartphone.
2. Use Your Calendar
Consistently using the calendar app available on your smartphone can help you keep up with upcoming events and avoid being blindsided by a meeting/campus event that you forgot about. Try to make it a priority to enter dates as soon as you know them.
3. Keep Up with Due Dates
Keeping all your upcoming due dates on one platform can assist you in staying on top of your schoolwork. The app MyStudyLife allows you to categorize due dates based on which class they are for and will send notifications to your phone when a due date is approaching. If you prefer a more classic approach, keeping a planner and entering due dates is just as effective.
4. Create a Legitimate Workspace in Your Home
It’s a given that it is more difficult to study or do work in a space that you’re not comfortable in. Ensure that there’s a space in your home solely allotted for schoolwork, and make it your own. If adding a plant or a few knick-knacks is what it takes to be productive in the space, then there’s nothing wrong with decorating a bit.
5. Take Breaks When Needed
Our brains can only handle so much information at once and usually don’t respond well to cramming. Taking breaks can actually increase your productivity by allowing you to decompress as you process new material. Though the most commonly used method is 5-10 minutes every hour, your best course of action is finding a rhythm that works for you. Use your breaks to stretch, drink some water or have a snack.
6. Know When to Say “No”
Campus life can pull you in many directions, and I’m finding as I go along my academic journey that it’s very easy to stretch yourself thin. Avoid taking on too many roles simultaneously, and know when to turn things down. There are only so many hours in the day and only one of you. Make your schoolwork your number one priority, and let everything else follow suit. Having limits is also an integral part of emotional and mental health.