This episode starts off with Mary Jane cooking in the kitchen as she gets a call from hot, pretentious Sheldon. They have a lovely conversation, in which he repeatedly objectifies her as she plays games on her iPad. Then they divulge into an argument about Eddie Murphy being a comedic genius. Eventually MJ calls him out for not allowing her to interview him, and he asks her to dinner, an offer she accepts.
MJ’s friend and coworker Mark is depressed at home and she goes to his place to give support. Turns out his boyfriend Eric left him, had a kid and is now moving to London to be with his new boyfriend. She gently tries to convince Mark to come to work and stop whining, and eventually he agrees.
Patrick, the eldest of MJ’s siblings, goes to visit his young daughter and finds her in the house all alone, and her mother Tracy missing. He’s forced to take the girl to school himself, despite his car breaking down.
Meanwhile, at work, Kara and her husband have an argument over money over the phone. Though stressed, Kara sucks it up and gets back to work just as a school shooting in Virginia happens. Scrambling, Kara hatches a game plan for Mark to break the story and MJ to cover it. As Mark breaks the story on air, Kara fills MJ in on who she’ll be interviewing, and the two are overcome with sadness for the tragedy.
MJ interviews one of the students’ mothers who knows her child is safe. Later in the broadcast, the mother finds out her child is dead, with Kara and MJ watching.
This tragedy puts MJ on edge, and during a phone call with Sheldon, she lashes out at him. She apologizes and he accepts, inviting her to a soiree he’s throwing.
The tragedy has Kara on edge too, and she calls her husband and has him wake up her two sons so she can talk to them. She then calls Gael, aka Mr. Fantastic, and asks him out on a date. The two go out to see a movie, and afterwards she has an emotional breakdown. Mr. Fantastic of course does and says all the right things to make Kara feel better and it magically works.
MJ gets home and realizes she can’t be alone, so she calls Mark, who feels the same way, and they decide to go get drunk at Sheldon’s party. At the party, Mark meets a hot guy and starts flirting with him in an attempt to get over Eric.
Sheldon once again objectifies MJ and hits on her relentlessly. She lets him know she’s burnt out on relationships and he says he’ll wait for her.
Later, Gael and Kara have sexy times, while Mark and hot guy do as well. MJ stays strong despite being attracted to Sheldon, and goes home. She and Sheldon talk on the phone, and the episode ends with them playfully flirting, no doubt foreshadowing another relationship sure to end badly for her.
‘Being Mary Jane’ – Season 2 Episode 8 – ‘One is the Loneliest Number’ – Recap
March 25, 2015
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