The episode opens with a lone gunman in a car surrounded by police on the news. He’s a black male holding a sign alluding to him being under constant surveillance. MJ and Kara are talking on the phone about how to cover the story, when MJ’s doctor calls to tell her she needs to take her shot to trigger her ovulation cycle. She then takes the shot and heads into work.
As she’s walking out the door, David comes to her house to talk about his girlfriend problems, but she’s not having it. MJ finally puts her foot down, saying she doesn’t want to be his sloppy seconds and he should go back to his pregnant girlfriend.
In the newsroom, Kara and MJ are monitoring the gunman news story. MJ suggests taking the angle of the effect of stress on black men for the story, and gets an assistant to look into black male suicide rates. Suddenly, the gunman commits suicide in the car and Kara scrambles to get the newscast together.
After getting a text from her new potential lover Sheldon, MJ agrees to meet him at his house. He’s cooking etouffee for her and they start chatting while waiting for it to be finished. Sheldon and Mj have a long, deep conversation about etouffee, which apparently translates to “suffocate,” and about being single black men and women in America and how tough it is. They wind up having a suffering competition, as they begin to argue about who between black men and women has it toughest while working the hardest in society. He then hits on her and tells her she’s the perfect journalist to share his story.
The news story has MJ all in her feelings and she decides to visit her big brother to ask him if he’s ever considered suicide. He says despite his stress, he’s never felt that way.
MJ’s friend Val calls and tells her Lisa is majorly depressed and leaving distressed voicemails and she’s concerned. MJ decides to go to Lisa’s house with Val because Lisa isn’t answering her phone. At Lisa’s house, MJ and Val strike up a conversation about depression and what it really means. MJ says Lisa is just out to get attention.
Lisa overhears and scolds them for talking about her in her own house. Lisa then starts ranting about how MJ has everything and it’s not fair. She goes on and on about how MJ is beautiful and successful and all she wants is more because she’s selfish. MJ tells her to stop being so bitter and get help, then she leaves.
Kara goes on another date with too-good-to-be-true Gael at a fancy restaurant. she asks him straight up if he’s always this nice and he tells her he’s not nice. That’s reassuring. She says she wants to know more about him and he proceeds to tell her about his boring job.
MJ ends up calling David and telling him to come over. They of course have sexy times as MJ decides to throw the morals and dignity she had earlier in the episode out the window.
‘Being Mary Jane’ – Season 2 Episode 6 – ‘Pulling the Trigger’ – Recap
March 11, 2015
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