Score: 2/5
Kelly Clarkson’s newest album, “Piece By Piece” is another overly-produced pop record to add to the pile.
Since Clarkson’s “American Idol” win, she’s been releasing pop-rock music, some good and some bad. But recently, it’s been primarily bad. This newest album is nothing different, just a bunch of bubblegum pop songs wrapped up with an auto-tuned bow.
The record starts with radio single “Heartbeat Song.” This song is the epitome of bubblegum pop with no depth in lyrics or musical ability. Skipping this song is 100 percent recommended.
“Take You High” is another song which should be forgotten. The track is autotune on top of more autotune. It also gives this feel of wanting to be a ballad but becomes this trippy, club track. Overall, it’s terribly confused and even more confusing to listen to.
“Dance With Me” is probably the third worst track on the record. It’s a confused, dance song with no lyrical depth — making it worth nothing.
“Piece By Piece” has a couple saving graces. There are a select few songs which will allow Clarkson fans to not fully lose faith.
“Run Run Run,” featuring John Legend, is the only collaborative song on the album. Maybe Legend saves the song or maybe it’s just a well-written and well-sung ballad, but this song is one of the only worth a listen. This track is a solid contestant for the best one on a mediocre album and next for radio play.
“Nostalgic” is how Clarkson should have recorded all of her dance tracks. It has a bit of an 80s flair including a good beat, lyrics and vocals. If listeners want a fun track of decent pop music, this is the one on the record.
The sad part about all of this is the songstress does have a good voice. She has the ability to be strong and belt out notes, but also soft and sweet for ballads. However, her voice is just used to sing pop song after pop song. All of which sound exactly the same as the one before.
Overall, Clarkson’s album isn’t worth much, but if you can make it through the album, you’ll most likely come out with one song that’s solid at best.
REVIEW: Kelly Clarkson – ‘Piece By Piece’
By Meg Ryan
March 4, 2015

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