Score: 1/5
A more appropriate title for The Wachowskis’ new film “Jupiter Ascending” would be “Mila Descending,” not only because the actress is literally falling through the air for half of the movie, but it would also describe her recent standards in accepting a role.
It is quite clear the once promising Mila Kunis has slipped in committing to parts that highlight her actual talent. Instead, she has elected to tarnish her otherwise solid reputation by taking the leading in such an immature and insufficient new movie.
“Jupiter Ascending,” a ridiculous tale of intergalactic royalty and love, can be summed up by the first 20 minutes of the movie. An overly obvious plot partnered with a mediocre script provides a laughable viewer experience, as forgettable as a bland scone.
Most of the action in the film revolves around Channing Tatum’s reverse-gravity boots which allow him to skate across the sky with ease. While the concept is intriguing at first, the boots quickly become and basically took over the film.
The boots become a focal point in almost every scene, providing an almost annoyingly repetitive timeline for the audience.
When the main character Jupiter (Kunis) isn’t being saved by Caine (Tatum), the film contains almost no originality in its special effects or production. Essentially, every alien or humanoid character in the movie has clearly been adapted or at least inspired by a previous fantasy franchise.
There is not one staple making “Jupiter Ascending” distinctive in the science-fiction genre that so many people across the country have come to love. In fact, some serious sci-fi lovers may find the movie slightly insulting to other films or series because of its use of familiar concepts.
For instance, the reptilian aliens in the film could have been pulled straight from “Star Wars” and most of the humanoid aliens could have been minor “Star Trek” characters.
It’s obvious this movie was nothing more than a paycheck to the star-studded cast. Though the movie is packed full of a notable actors including Oscar nominee Eddie Redmayne, the script does not offer the cast an opportunity for a serious acting approach.
Therefore, the only logical explanation for them accepting parts in the movie is make a little extra cash before award season rolls around.
REVIEW: ‘Jupiter Ascending’
February 11, 2015
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