The show begins as usual with an outside view of the office, making watchers wonder what entertainment is in store for them.
The phone rings for what seems like an endless amount of time, before Cheryl finally answers and sighs, “What?!”
It turns out to be Archer on the other end, who is drunk and stuck in Las Vegas after being “butt hurt,” according to Cheryl, over Lana hiring a CIA agent to terrorize him last week.
He asks Cheryl to send her family’s private jet because he refuses to ride the bus, and because during this drunken trip he somehow got himself on the “no fly” list as well as the “no train” list.
Shortly after, Cheryl, Pam, Cyril, Krieger and Ray show up on the Sky Tunt to pick him up, with Ray acting as pilot.
“All I needed was an airplane, so why is it full of you idiots?” Archer said.
He continues to stay drunk while on the plane, probably because by now his body requires alcohol the same way some people need coffee.
The gang announces that they’re going to Branson, Missouri to enjoy the variety of music festivals the city has to offer.
As they discussing what to do there, the gang notices they’re flying close to Area 51 and all want a closer look.
Ray flies them into the restricted airspace and a missile is launched at them, hitting the plane and forcing them to land directly in the area.
After the faulty landing that proved Ray’s lack of piloting skills, the gangs exits the plane and are surrounded by armed soldiers of the U.S. Air Force.
Archer somehow avoids an initial shoot-out by pretending to be Agent Slater.
Meanwhile at the office, Lana and Malory are sitting down and talking to each other alone for once.
Of course, the talk isn’t exactly pleasant as Malory criticizes Lana for naming AJ after her grandmother instead of giving her Malory’s full name.
She convinces Lana to allocate the “naming rights” to her for just over $25,000, which will make AJ’s full name now be Abbiejean Malory Kane-Archer.
Back in Area 51, while the gang is trying to figure out how to escape, Pam and Krieger go on a search for aliens in the building.
Archer pours himself a drink and goes out to find an alternative escape plan.
Meanwhile, Cyril stays in the room with Ray and Cheryl as they continue to drink and is perpetually worried the whole time.
Archer runs into a group of Air Force soldiers, but he proves that he is still a secret agent under his strong personality and fights them all alone.
Much to their excitement, Pam and Krieger actually do find some aliens in the building, and are taught the meaning of the universe by them.
Archer finds Pam and Krieger and they reconnect with the rest of the gang. He brought them all the uniforms of the men he fought off, and they steal a U.S. Air Force plane to get back to the office.
“Who’s up for Branson?” Archer said.
The episode closes with the plane disappearing and a UFO appearing for a few seconds before it takes off in a flash of light.
‘Archer’ – Season 6 Episode 7 -‘Nellis’ – Recap
February 20, 2015
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