Rank: 3.5/5
The first Christmas movie of 2015, “Love the Coopers”, released on Nov. 13 was filled with twists and turns.
Traditionally, Christmas movies are generalized toward certain viewers, this one however, hits all ages. While the movie is advertised as a comedy, the film did hit the heart a few times.
“Love the Coopers” is filmed much like two other holiday movies released earlier in the 2010’s, “New Year’s Eve” and “Valentine’s Day.”You follow separate lives with a common narrator, when eventually everyone links up into one storyline.
With all of the different ages the movie could’ve gotten mixed up easily, but all of the stories tend to have a common theme of love.
The film is family friendly, one which almost any generation can share experiences from. However, watching as a college student, understanding the experiences is difficult, being stuck in between phases. Not so old that you are coming home with a family and a steady career, but not so young as an awkward teenager.
The best one to relate to would have to be one of the daughters, Eleanor played by Olivia Wilde, who comes home scared to disappoint her parents because she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
Her struggles are relatable to the interrogation almost all college students get when they come home for the holidays. If that does apply to you, maybe taking your parents to this movie can give them a glimpse into what you’re feeling when they turn into good cop/bad cop.
Will this be a lifelong movie that people show for years to come? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t do a great job of portraying a modern version of the holiday struggles.
The film has a great message and goes through the ups and downs of new and old relationships. Instead of the movie’s strict theme around Christmas, it has it’s own storyline that happens to be during the Christmas time.
REVIEW: ‘Love the Coopers’ perfect for anyone
November 18, 2015

Courtesy CBS Films, Lionsgate
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