For college students, keeping up a healthy lifestyle while in school requires a lot of dedication and time management.
Manufacturers have reached out and created multiple devices to simplify healthy eating and fitness. One of these trending devices is a wristband called a Fitbit.
LSU UREC Fitness and Wellness Graduate Assistant Allison Mosso wears her Fitbit 24/7, and says that the simplest way to describe the device is that it is an activity tracker.
“It’s nice just to kind of have that visible measurement to see, and you can compare your activity record throughout the week,” explained Mosso. “You can compare it in 30 days, how active you’ve been, and kind of set small goals for yourself.”
Devices like the Fitbit give you the ability to track your steps throughout the day, exercise, food intake and even your sleep pattern. Some students like Psychology Sophomore Emily England have used this device for a few years and find it to be a motivating way to stay healthy.
“I got it because I wanted to be healthier,” said England. “I just think it’s been a good challenge.”
Fitbit has also found a way to challenge its users through incorporating social media.
“You can do daily or weekend competitions, and be like “I walked more than you” so it’s really cool,” said England.
There are now ways to personalize devices like the Fitbit, but the actual capabilities are what is most important. The main point of these fitness bands is to make getting active easier. You do not have to workout every day, but it is important to stay active.
The Fitbit Trend: Are You Wearing the Band?
September 24, 2015
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