The episode begins with a luxurious snow scene with Archer, Lana and Ray driving up to a cabin for the night.
Archer is sipping his new drink concoction that he calls “Peppermint Patty”, which is a mixture of hot cocoa, dark crème de cacao, a hint of crème de mint and peppermint schnapps. Ray “forgot” (he’s actually just not sharing it with Archer) the gum, which is upsetting to Archer.
Fear not, it is not a vacation but yet another mission that involves climbing a Swiss Alp to assassinate their new target—who happens to be an assassin.
“It’s just an extrajudicial killing,” Archer said.
They are to infiltrate the party to kill this man or woman. It’s unclear who the target is initially because Archer merely skimmed the mission dossier, but he does recall that whoever the target is was from a country that in WWII was an Axis Power.
Once arriving, the crew meets Crash McCarran and three other people—one of whom is possibly the potential assassin.
While discussing plans to make it up the mountain, Archer drinks a fish bowl.
Later while in their room, Lana argues with Archer over the target and he decides to call Mallory to find out who it is. After discussing the matter for a couple minutes, an automated message plays that says he’s reached Mallory’s elaborate voicemail, so now they’re on their own in figuring out who the target is.
After not being able to reach Mallory, Lana takes the phone from Archer and calls Cheryl.
Back at headquarters, it’s Cheryl’s birthday so Cheryl, Pam, Krieger and Cyril are celebrating in the secret jacuzzi room with one of Krieger’s escaped lab creatures.
Cheryl answers but says Mallory and AJ haven’t been in to work all day, so she and the rest of the crew decide to go to Mallory’s apartment to check on them.
While climbing the mountain, Archer and the other climbers experience an avalanche and a climber dies after falling in a crevasse and supposedly breaking her neck.
To make it through the night, McCarran informs everyone that stripping down naked and putting three people to each tent will allow them to combine their body heat and not freeze to death in the 70* below temperature.
However, the next morning it is discovered that the last two of the other climbers that were with McCarran were killed during the night.
This is when Archer finally realizes McCarran has been the target all along, and that his real name is Patrick.
Upon confronting him, McCarran grabs Lana and holds a knife to her neck and Archer pulls out a gun.
Despite McCarran warning him that gunfire would cause another avalanche, Archer ignores him and becomes very serious.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that there are no guarantees in this world,” he said as he shot McCarran in the shoulder.
At first it seems like everything is fine, until the predicted avalanche ensues and the screen goes completely white with a phone ringing in the distance.
It’s a teasing scene because it seems that they didn’t make it, but it turns out it’s just Lana calling Mallory, who she finally gets in touch with.
Mallory says she is back at the apartment—she and AJ left while it was being bug-bombed.
Meanwhile Cheryl, Pam, Krieger and Cyril all endured an almost fatal dose of insecticide.
‘Archer’ – Season 6 Episode 3 – “The Archer Sanction” – Recap
January 23, 2015
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