“My name is Barry. I am not the fastest man alive.”
It is with that opening line I found myself back in the DC TV Universe. Tonight marked the return of “The Flash” for the second half of its first season.
We remember that the episode before this one left us with one thought, Dr. Wells has to be the Reverse Flash that killed Barry Allen’s mother. While this may not be true, this weeks episode created some more mysteries for us to ponder about.
The team is running on all cylinders trying to capture Reverse Flash or at least figure out who he is. Allen is focused on becoming faster and everyone seems to be on board to help, even the suspicious Dr. Wells.
Somewhere else in town we have Captain Cold and this time he isn’t alone. He and his accomplice Heat Wave, another member of the infamous Rogues Gallery, want to attract the attention of The Flash by breaking into a car dealership. For some reason, our villains get a little impatient and leave before he gets there.
Barry later arrives with the police and upon investigation of the scene, determines Captain Cold was there to set a trap for his alter ego.
Back in their secret hideout, warehouse thing, Captain Cold and Heat Wave are plotting their real heist. Cold tells Heat Wave about a piece called “Fire and Ice” they will steal.
We can’t forget about our favorite, well only, family in the show. The show then moves to Joe West being a little sad about his daughter Iris moving out. Iris brings out Barry’s childhood “nerd survival kit” and they share a slightly awkward moment.
Barry tells Joe about his poorly timed expression of love to Iris and how they now pretend it never happened. He then blames himself for Cold escaping and his current personality begins to show. Barry is now all business and none of the fun that people have come to love. This prompts Joe to make a trip to see Wells.
Cisco makes a trip to the police department to introduce his solution to capturing Captain Cold. He fires a cold gun at a shield he’s created seeming excited that it works, the department doesn’t seem to trust S.T.A.R. Labs just yet.
Caitlin is at S.T.A.R. Labs looking into her fiance turned metahuman Firestorm’s current location when Barry confides in her about his mistimed confession to Iris. Caitlin promises things get better than what they are right now, which Barry seems to take comfort in.
Their conversation jolts the idea that Firestorm may be an acronym into their heads. Caitlin finds an 800 page file on transmutation that Barry speed reads for her. The file was made by Jason Rusch who worked with Professor Stein, the other half of Firestorm in a few comic renditions.
Cold and Heat Wave try to steal the conveniently named piece, but fail after the police use Cisco’s heat shields and Heat Wave gets a little too amazed by the flames.
The two head back to their lair-thing and argue about what their operative goal should be. Cold convinces Heat Wave that The Flash should be target no. 1.
Caitlin goes to see Rusch who tells her Stein went missing after publishing a paper without the university’s knowledge. While leaving Rusch, Caitlin is taken by Cold and Heat Wave.
At the station, Eddie, Iris’ fiance and Joe’s partner, finds out who Heat Wave really is but before he can act on it, he is interrupted by Heat Wave and Cold’s public message to The Flash, using Caitlin as the invitation.
The villains place a bomb under Caitlin’s chair and leave awaiting The Flash.
Cisco finds Caitlin’s location. He and Joe go to save her when Cisco, because Cisco, trips an explosive. Joe pulls Caitlin away from the bomb and they’re all taken away in a flash from the explosion.
Eddie tries to play hero between the now ensuing battle with Heat Wave and Cold vs The Flash. He saves Barry’s life and gets nothing in return. Barry then tricks the Rogues to cross streams with their guns by standing between them. As the villains are out cold, The Flash leaves them to be arrested by Eddie.
Barry in his human persona congratulates Eddie who gives all of the credit to The Flash. Reminder that Eddie wanted a anti-flash task force not long ago.
Later, Iris is moving the last of her things out while Eddie tries to joke with Joe. Joe isn’t having it and Eddie leaves to give them a family moment. Joe has to shed some dad tears alone so we now have Barry and Iris in the scene alone.
The two sort of reconcile and Barry takes his seat as the guy who let the girl get away. Joe comes back and she kisses him goodbye and shakes Barry’s hand. Ouch. To fill the pain in both of their hearts, Barry moves back in with Joe and the two eat pizza and drink beer to cover the lack of Iris.
The episode ends as the Rogues are on their way to prison when the transport is knocked off of the road. This all seems to be a part of the plan as Cold’s sister shows up symbolizing their escape.
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‘The Flash’ – Season 1 Episode 10 – ‘Revenge of the Rogues’ – Recap
January 20, 2015

‘The Flash’ returned with its spring premiere on Jan. 20.
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