The key to making a scrumptious fajita is simplicity. Too often people try to complicate this classic meal by adding too much cheese or sour cream or flavorless iceberg lettuce. My recipe is about seasoning the meat in a way that will scream with flavor and topping the beef with a fresh, healthy salsa to simply compliment the delicious cut of steak.
This recipe will also include a very basic salsa recipe that can be altered if necessary to make spicier or more mild. I hope you enjoy my grilled fajitas.
Grilled Fajitas:
Ingredients: 1 pound of fresh sirloin steak (about an inch thick); salt; pepper; fresh cilantro
Preparation: (This can be done on almost any grill such as a regular propane or charcoal) Bring the grill to a high heat (around 400 degrees) and make sure not to open the cover or lid of the grill while bringing up to heat and while cooking. Lightly salt and pepper each side of the steak. Finely chop the cilantro and sprinkle across each side of the meat. Rub the seasonings into the meat (this will allow the flavors to seep into the cut and will help avoid the cilantro falling off on the grill). Place the steak on the grill and quickly cover the grill. You can cook the steak as rare as you like but the most important thing to remember when grilling steak is to ONLY FLIP ONCE. After the steak is cooked, (about 4 minutes on each side) transfer the meat to a cutting board and slice in strips.
Ingredients: three medium-sized tomatoes; 4 cloves of garlic; 2 tablespoons olive oil; 3 tablespoons fresh cilantro; three fresh jalapeno peppers; 2 tablespoon soy sauce; fresh ground black pepper; 1 lime squeezed
Preparation: Simply dice or chop each of the ingredients and blend for a few seconds so that the salsa is thin and fluid and each ingredient is equally represented. Serve the fajitas with a tablespoon of salsa on top. Wrap in a tortilla of your choice and enjoy.
CHEW: Grilled Fajitas with Fresh Salsa
January 21, 2015
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