Score: 4/5
In a spoof that pokes fun at the premise of all spy movies, Melissa McCarthy proves that anyone with the right set of skills and the drive to succeed can be a spy.
In an opening that would make 007 himself laugh, Bradley Fine (Jude Law), the field agent Susan Cooper (McCarthy) gives direction to is shot during a mission to bring a portable nuke back into government hands.
Cue James Bond style credit sequence. Yes, there actually is one of those, and it is impressively well done for a satirical film.
When the tides turn and all of the major agents’ names are made known, the CIA needs someone unknown to go undercover and retrieve intel. Fueled by revenge and determination to prove herself, Cooper steps up to the challenge.
On the announcement of Cooper’s promotion to agent, hardened field veteran Rick Ford (Jason Statham) goes rogue to take matters into his own hands. Throughout the movie, Ford appears out of seemingly nowhere to remind Cooper that she is going to screw things up, usually followed by hilarious stories of how he has ridiculously cheated death.
A spy movie would be incomplete without action sequences, and this movie is chock full of them. The sequences are strong, frequent and fun to watch with little CGI ever bearing its ugly head. McCarthy is the action star the world has been looking for as she manages to bring a fresh twist to the action genre with the many ways she rarely ever needed a real weapon to get the job done.
For what seems to be a generic summer flick, this movie is surprisingly fun to watch. The comedy is consistent throughout the entire movie. While the movie is predictable, the humor and action was enough to keep the audience invested and laughing for the entire duration of the film.
By Riley Katz
June 10, 2015

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