The sea of purple and gold that swarms campus on autumnal Saturdays is evidence of the University’s school spirit, which landed it on Inside College’s list of most spirited colleges.
The University has a strong and expansive fan base, and Anna Hall, history sophomore, is a part of it.
“All around Louisiana, everyone’s got LSU gear on,” Hall said.
Vice Chancellor for Student Life and Enrollment Services Kurt Keppler said the universities on the list are all prominent and respectable schools.
“This sends out a positive message to potential students,” Keppler said. “It’s a positive message about our University; you can’t say we’re apathetic.”
The University has a loyal and passionate fan base, Keppler said.
“Purple is a color of passion,” Keppler said. “Individuals take pride in our campus.”
Although University fans can be tough at times, Keppler said they get along with other fans for the most part.
“When dealing with 94,000 people at a football game, you are always going to have to deal with contingency,” Keppler said. “The people most likely to misbehave and have bad manners are those not involved with the University.”
The University of Florida also made the “most spirited” list, while the University of Alabama, the University of Georgia, the University of Kentucky, the University of South Carolina and the University of Tennessee earned spots on the “lots of spirit” list.
Physical therapy sophomore Matt Marks said he agrees that the University deserves being among the most spirited colleges.
“The programs we have, like S.T.R.I.P.E.S., allow the campus to establish a tight-knit community, and during football games, we are all one,” Marks said.
But not all students want to partake in the community.
Taylor Voisin, graphic design freshman, said although the campus is beautiful, she doesn’t go to games or participate in on-campus groups.
“I’m not a member of any club,” Voisin said. “I don’t like getting involved; I just like to relax.”
—- Contact Claire Caillier at [email protected]
University ranks on ‘most spirited’ list
March 13, 2012