Oh, Second Amendment, wilt thy tyrant Barack Hussein Obama retract thee?
No, he won’t.
But there are apparently thousands of Americans with baseless fears that he will.
With President Obama’s impending reelection, some gun owners are thinking, “Buy! Buy! Buy!”
This isn’t the first time it’s happened. The same trend occurred in 2008, according to Joe Craig, sales manager at Reynerson’s Gunsmith Service in Baton Rouge.
There has been a recent spike in handgun and ammunition sales, he said.
Guns are selling faster than Air Jordans on Black Friday.
That’s right, gun owners are once again afraid a Democrat will take away their gun rights or increase restrictions.
This fear probably stems partly from the manifesto posted on the National Rifle Association website by NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.
LaPierre seems to have some sort of delusional conspiracy theory that results in blatant attempts to instill fear that Obama will destroy the Second Amendment by 2016.
How does he know this? Assumptions, mostly.
He asserts that Obama’s long-term conspiracy is to neutralize gun owners as a political force, get reelected and then “prosecute a full-scale, sustained, all-out campaign to excise the Second Amendment from our Bill of Rights.”
With the debacle in Iran and the war in Afghanistan, I’m sure taking away gun rights is exactly what Obama is thinking about.
LaPierre claims the Obama administration is “working behind the scenes with tyrannical governments and global anti-gun groups at the United Nations, seeking to commit the United States to international gun-ban treaties.”
No, he’s not. This is far too crazy a theory to pass as true without evidence, of which there is none.
He also asserts Obama’s website posted a list of gun-control objectives that were quickly taken down. Doubt it. Nowhere else online other than the NRA’s website is there any evidence backing his statement.
So prove that, too, LaPierre. Don’t just say it.
He continues to repeat the same propaganda time and again until he even says his evidence is circumstantial.
Know what circumstantial means? It doesn’t mean factual.
Don’t listen to LaPierre’s false rant. He misinforms more than Fox News on a bad day, and it’s hard to believe he actually subscribes to the words he writes.
I highly doubt Obama is considering any bills restricting firearms in any way.
If he didn’t attempt to impose a restriction on firearms after the Tucson shooting last year when Jared Loughner used a 33-round magazine to kill six people, I doubt Obama’s going to do anything in the future.
Also, Obama has only dealt with one gun-related law so far in his tenure — it allows loaded weapons in national parks. Looks like he’s actually giving people more rights.
But the omniscient LaPierre says this was only a ploy to appease gun owners.
And finally, what rational person would attempt to take away firearms when in 2007, Reuters published an article that estimated U.S. citizens owned 270 of the 875 million firearms in the world? Any attempt to take away this right would start another bloody civil war, and I highly doubt any politician is willing to take that risk.
Guns have always been a part of our nation, and they always will be.
I’ve owned firearms for a long time. And I’m not afraid restrictions will be made against them.
Buying more weapons out of irrational fear honestly sounds like it could end in violence somewhere along the line. No one is going to mess with this law.
So don’t listen to LaPierre. I support the NRA, but not the lunatic who runs it. And don’t buy guns simply because you think Obama will magically sneak into your home and take them. Think rationally.
Hopefully LaPierre’s ridiculous manifesto was simply a ploy to influence more donations to the NRA.
And at least the increase in gun sales is good for the economy.
Chris Grillot is a 20-year-old English and mass communication major from New Orleans. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_CGrillot.
Contact Chris Grillot at [email protected]
The C-Section: Don’t listen to the NRA vice president – guns are staying
March 8, 2012