Bat Brunner and Madeline Davis compared the future of the University to the past when they outlined their Renew LSU campaign for The Daily Reveille on Friday.
Brunner said that he and Davis plan to follow in the footsteps of current President Cody Wells and Vice President Kathleen Bordelon.
Brunner and Davis both agreed that along with budget cuts, they would make safety in the greater campus community a priority. They cited their support of legislation proposed by President Wells that would build a sidewalk on E. Boyd Drive.
Brunner and Davis are the only student government newcomers in the election. But the running mates are not troubled by questions regarding their qualifications. Both have served in leadership positions in their respective Greek organizations. Brunner worked as the Interfraternity Council Chief Justice after a term as the Vice President of Public Relations for that organization. Davis chaired several committees within her sorority.
Brunner also said their status as Student Government outsiders would help them connect with the students they represent. He said that he hoped bringing inexperienced people to student government would make the governing body more accessible.
Davis said this accessibility would extend with their planned implementation of a broader social media campaign. She said the campaign will serve the dual purpose of informing students of student government activity while also providing students with a platform to provide feedback. She said any administration that fails to reach out to its constituents would be using its position as a “scapegoat for its person agenda.” Tune in tomorrow for a feature on the Be Heard campaign.
Paul Braun, Reveille Radio News
Contact Paul Braun at [email protected]
SG Presidential Candidate Series Part 1: Renew LSU
March 18, 2012