Aside from the Hollins twins campaign, Landon Hester and Kristina Lagasse partnership may be the oldest of all the president/vice-president
pairings. The two Mass Communication students have known each other since they were high school juniors. Hester said he first asked Lagasse
to be his running mate as a joke the summer before they came to the University.
Now their political aspirations are more serious. Hester is currently the deputy chief of staff for current SG president Cody Wells. Lagasse has
experience as a member of the college council. Hester said if elected, they will work to merge their experiences in different branches of the student government to productively coexist with the legislative and judicial branches.
Hester and Lagasse said they also hope to make student government more transparent for the student body. To achieve this transparency, they plan to establish a public relations department of student government.
Lagasse said the job is bigger than can be accomplished by the two directors of communication currently tasked with PR.
Hester said that he had no complaints of Wells’ fight against budget cuts, but did say that he and Lagasse hoped to engage students more than their predecessors.
For more information on the Your LSU candidates go to
Tune in tomorrow for a feature on Josh and Joe Hollins of the R.E.A.L campaign.
Paul Braun, Reveille Radio News
Contact Paul Braun at [email protected]
SG Presidential Candidate Series Part 3: Your LSU
March 22, 2012