Young the Giant played to a sold-out House of Blues on Tuesday night, entertaining guests with a fun mix of old and new material. Openers GROUPLOVE set a playful mood, springing around the stage in the strangest of attire. But the crowd melted when The Giant’s lead singer, Sameer Gadhia, began wailing into a vintage-style microphone, set to echo his throaty voice through the venue. The accompanying aesthetics nicely complemented the music, with bright colors saturating the stage. The sound was as clean as the band members were grimy, and whether out of necessity or irony, Gadhia let out a hacking sound mid-croon at the end of the popular song “Cough Syrup.” The audience was an odd mix of hipsters, bros and an assortment of adults clinging to the last strands of their youth in Chinese-character-printed tees and calf-high pleather boots. But everyone in attendance seemed super psyched about the show.
Grade: B
Contact Morgan Searles at [email protected]
RevRanks: Young the Giant with GROUPLOVE
March 22, 2012