The college alt-rap duo Chiddy Bang brings a harder edge and a cleaner, crisper sound to the group’s first studio LP, “Breakfast.” Both MC Chidera “Chiddy” Anemege and DJ/producer Noah “Xaphoon Jones” Beresin managed to demonstrate their evolving styles in a complimenting manner. Xaphoon runs through a gauntlet of sounds, serving listeners with unique synths, acoustic guitars and soulful vocals. Chiddy plays off Xaphoon accordingly, bringing fast, fiery raps to bounce off head-banging, stomp-inducing beats and clicks on songs like “Hand Claps & Guitars” and the title track. While the rapper exhibits his traditional charm, he still puts his game face on for some of these tougher tracks. At times, the album’s childish sing-along pop beats can sound awkward against Chiddy’s rap, but the other explosive tracks make up for it.
Grade: B+
RevRanks: Chiddy Bang, “Breakfast”
March 1, 2012