The Flores MBA program is currently waiting on approval from the College of Engineering for the 3 + 2 program. The program would provide Industrial Engineering Undergraduate students the opportunity to get their bachelors in industrial engineering and their Master of Business Administration.
Director of the Flores MBA program Ed Watson, said the 3 + 2 program is beneficial because company recruiters, like oil companies, want MBA’s with engineering undergraduate degrees. Employees with an engineering degree have experience in
the engineering field.
A student would spend three years on their bachelors and 2 years on their MBA. The student would take up to 9 hours of seven thousand level MBA courses as an industrial engineering elective. Similarly, he or she would take up to 9 hours of an industrial engineering courses as his or her MBA electives.
Students are also required to complete an internship in the summer following their senior year or 1st year in the MBA program.
Watson said that the skills needed for business make this program optimal for other colleges at the University.
Although the Flores MBA program hasn’t begun enlisting other colleges for this program, Watson said he could see colleges like the Manship School of Mass Communication or the School of Music becoming a part of this program.
Marylee Williams, Reveille Radio News
Contact Marylee Williams at [email protected]
Flores MBA program parterning with College of Engineering to create undergraduate/masters program
April 4, 2012