Santigold released the lead single from her highly-anticipated sophomore album Tuesday, giving fans another taste of the tunes to come. “Disparate Youth” hit the market accompanied by a modest music video depicting an animated version of the album cover. The plunky, melodic synth beats that open the track are quickly joined by a steady bassline, Santi White’s crooning vocals and other catching instrumentals. The track paces through nearly five minutes punctuated with short, driving guitar riffs, defined by lyrics like “We know now we won’t go …Our lives are worth fighting for.” The track foreshadows good things for the artist’s future, promising a successful follow-up to the success of her self-titled debut album. With a May 1 release date, the full studio album, “Master of My Make Believe,” should follow suit.
Grade: A
RevRanks: Santigold, “Disparate Youth” (single)
February 23, 2012