On Saturday night I saw one of the most grossly ignorant, and frankly, disgusting, things that has happened during my time at LSU. The longtime tradition of throwing various items, including drinks, in celebration of an LSU score is marginally understandable and rather sticky for most of us in the student section. The indiscretion and immaturity exercised by throwing a full bottle of water is inexcusable. A girl sitting to my left was pummeled by a full liter bottle at the end of the game, knocking her unconscious and requiring multiple paramedics to give her medical attention for a minimum of 20 minutes before my friends and I finally left the stands. The gross negligence that is shown by so many students when they toss water bottles in this fashion is disturbing. Football games are always a great time, but no one expects to get a concussion by cheering in the stands and celebrating a win over a top 10 team. The number of raining water bottles I see every week is somewhat alarming. It’s foolish to dismiss it as “fellow college kids having a good time,” especially when you see something like this happen in front of your face. Please, fellow students, think with a sober mind the next time before you throw something in the stands and leave a peer in awful condition.
Throwing bottles at football games inexcusable
October 15, 2012
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