The most important issue we can vote on this coming election season is the economy.
Naturally, in order to properly cast our votes, we must be properly informed about the issues – primarily dealing with the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States. It has many tasks, but essentially, it controls the supply of U.S. currency in the market.
One would think an entity of this magnitude would be handled by no one but the government, however, the Federal Reserve is not owned by the government.
According to, it is an independent entity operating under the authority of Congress but not subject to it.
Sounds pretty good until you dig a little deeper.
Federal Reserve stock is owned by private banks, which are not allowed to sell the stock, but which pay dividends of 6 percent a year.
When the government needs money, it goes to the Fed. These banks decide whether or not to lend the money to the government at interest, which it will eventually have to pay back to the non-profit Fed.
The Fed may not profit, but the banks that hold stock do. Where else would the 6 percent come from?
Banks profit from loans, especially when those loans aren’t paid off in time and interest begins to compound.
Thus, the deeper the country gets into debt, the more money somebody will eventually make. Unless we go bankrupt or China invades.
One would think the task of controlling the money supply would be delegated to the government. The Treasury makes the money, shouldn’t it look after it too?
The whole history behind the founding of Fed is screwed up.
The Federal Reserve Act was written on the private island of J.P. Morgan by a bunch of rich banking patriarchs.
I can’t imagine a more sinister movie scene than scheming bankers with their tuxedos, top hats and monocles writing legislation giving them the power to control the money supply of the whole country.
It’s Looney Tunes without the anvil. Tom caught Jerry and ate the crap out of him in the first episode.
These bankers then backed Woodrow Wilson in the upcoming election, who won and signed the Federal Reserve Act into law.
Bankers are controlling the money supply, lending the money the government prints back to itself and eventually profiting off of returned loans.
The Wall Street bailout would have happened regardless of who was president at the time. The banks loaned themselves the money through the medium of the federal government, which is also known as money laundering.
Yes, money laundering, like the mafia. The Federal Reserve is nothing more than a cartel, a system controlled entirely by a few very wealthy banks.
The only candidate who showed any interest in ending the Fed was Ron Paul, who would likely get a substantial amount of both Republican and Democrat votes if he stood a frozen turd’s chance in Hell of winning.
Most Americans are rational – 60 percent of the time, they are rational every time – and rational people realize the current system of controlling the U.S. dollar is in need of a serious face lift.
The system as it stands is not designed to alleviate the nation’s massive debt, but rather to perpetuate it for as long as possible.
Screw the banks, end the Fed. We’re all tired of ATM fees anyway.
Parker Cramer is a 21-year-old political science senior from Houston. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_pcramer.
____ Contact Parker Cramer at [email protected]
Scum of the Girth: Federal Reserve stockholders profit from US gov. debt
July 10, 2012