As students prepare for Hurricane Isaac to hit campus, The Daily Reveille has compiled information about food and supplies, along with a list of emergency numbers to have on hand.
According to the LSU Dining website, The 5 and 459 Commons will both be open Tuesday.
Both halls will be open for lunch from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and for dinner from 5 p.m.-7 p.m. All current students and essential University personnel with a valid Tiger Card will have access to meals.
David Heidke, LSU Dining director, said the University put three emergency meals on every student’s Tiger Card, which will only be available today.
No cash payments will be processed, only Tiger Cards will be accepted.
On Wednesday, LSU Dining will deliver breakfast and lunch to residence halls.
According to the LSU Student Union website, the Union will be closed today, Tuesday, Aug. 28 and tomorrow, Wednesday, Aug. 29. It will resume normal business hours on Thursday, unless otherwise announced, the site said.
According to a University Relations broadcast email, students should stock up on the following supplies to prepare for the storm:
– A working flashlight
– Batteries
– Bottled water
– Hand-operated can opener
– Non-perishable food
Students living off campus in houses or apartments should also prepare their homes for the storm, according to the University’s Environmental Health and Safety website.
– Remove leaves and debris from the street to avoid clogging roadway drains
– Take in patio furniture and other outdoor furniture that could be moved by strong winds
– Check with apartment management office for permission to tape or board windows
Emergency numbers:
Storm updates and University closures will be recorded on the LSU emergency hotline: 225-578-8654 or 1-800-516-6444. Storm-related news will also be posted on the University’s website, NOAA National Hurricane Information: LSUPD: Emergency: 911, Non-emergency: 225-578-3231 Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals, Phone: 225-342-9500 Regional Poison Control Centers: 1-800-222-1222 Center for Disease Control National Center for Environmental Health and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry: 770-488-7100 Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness: 225-925-7500, East Baton Rouge Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness: 225-389-2100, Louisiana State Police- Hazmat division: Baton Rouge Police Department: Emergency: 911, Non-emergency: 225-389-2000, Entergy: General information: 1-800-368-3749 (1-800-ENTERGY), Outage information: 1-800-968-8243 (1-800-9OUTAGE) American Red Cross: 225-291-4533 Baton Rouge Fire Department: 225-354-1400 Shelter Hotline: 1-866-438-4636 (1-866-GET-INFO)
_____ Contact Rachel Warren at [email protected]
What University students should know regarding Isaac
August 27, 2012