I was very disappointed to read “The death of Occupy.” It seemed quite a contradiction to report on Occupy Raleigh’s weekend of action, while also saying they are doing nothing. This leads me to question the validity of this hit piece and it strikes me as coming from ignorance. Perhaps doing a little research would have been helpful. Perhaps the writers are just tired to bother. Aside from Occupy the Courts, Drum Out Citizens United, the 100th Day March, the Walkupy March and the Wells Fargo Mic Check, there is plenty happening on a multitude of levels outside the public eye. Occupiers have begun direct engagement of the political process, including attending hours of NCGA sub-committee meetings and speaking with representatives. Occupiers are also planning a variety of high profile actions for February and March. As for public outreach that occurs everyday through personal conversation, a welcome table at the camp itself, and through social media. The 250-word limit prevents me from going into even more detail on these matters. If the writers of this piece truly supports Occupy, perhaps they could contribute some ideas to improve the movement. Perhaps they are willing to engage in conversation with people involved, instead of bashing them without knowledge. Perhaps that would just take too much effort. Be it known Occupy was never intended to be short term, despite the lack of an attention span that dominates our time. Jeremy Gilchrist N.C. State 2009 Alumnus
Letter to the Editor: Are you sure Occupy is dead?
January 28, 2012
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