You can hear a few elements distinctive of Smashing Pumpkins in Oceania, but it’s all Billy Corgan. Since Jimmy Chamberlin left in 2009, Corgan serves as the supreme band leader and last standing original member of the ’90s grunge outfit. And with a new lineup at his disposal, Oceania paints Corgan’s desires for the group. With his traditionally quirky vocals and layers of occasionally powerful electric guitar exhibitions, the group has managed to grip pieces of what made the originals great. But there are some unique elements as well, combining acoustic breaks and floaty synths to bed Corgan’s vocals. It’s evident they’re trying too hard to demonstrate their sound, using strictly structured notes and progressions, and they lose the powerfully honest angst the band once had.
Grade: B-
____ Contact Austen Krantz at [email protected]
RevRanks: Smashing Pumpkins, “Oceania”
June 20, 2012