As most University students know, today is Election Day. Millions of Americans will be going to the polls to vote for the next president along with various other public officials. I — along with many others — decided to take the early voting route by casting my absentee ballot already. I’m locked in for my presidential candidate, John McCain. McCain is a man of amazing character and value. He has dedicated his entire life to serving our great nation starting at the age of 17. McCain has always put “country first,” no matter what.Whether it has been during the Vietnam War, where he was captured and kept as a POW, or whether its been during his time in the U.S. Capitol building, trying to create a better country for all Americans, McCain has kept his mantra close to heart. There also aren’t any surprises with McCain. What you see is what you get. He’s pretty much a straight shooter who doesn’t put out a whole lot of bull. He’s straight to the point and means what he says. McCain will be ready on day one. The country is in a time of uncertainty. The economy is in trouble, the military is getting stretched pretty thin and there’s no leadership in Washington. McCain can enter on Jan. 20 and start turning things around. He has the experience to deal with foreign affairs and the military. He’s the right man, right now. A balance of power is important in Washington. McCain knows how to create bipartisan deals. He’s done it before. When the same party controls the White House and Congress, they get out of control and start making bad decisions. When the Bush administration had a Republican congress, they made some questionable decisions. They forgot who they were and starting spending like Democrats. With McCain in the White House, every decision made by the White House or Congress will be well thought out beforehand. By and large the main reason McCain received my vote is because he still believes in the “American Dream.” He believes every American should have the opportunity to make a living for themselves and their families. He believes that Americans who work hard should receive tax cuts, not those who don’t pay taxes at all. It’s bad enough the top 10 percent or so pay the majority of the taxes in this country. It’s everyone’s country. We all enjoy the freedoms and the benefits of being a U.S. citizen. Why shouldn’t we all pay at least a little bit to enjoy the benefits? John F. Kennedy told us almost 48 years ago, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Have we all forgotten Kennedy’s wise words?Government handouts are getting ridiculous. We need to go back to our values and want to work for what we get. McCain can help lead us back. He believes in rewarding company’s that create and keep jobs at home. He also believes the wealthy know better than the government how to invest their money into a cringing market. We’ve been knocked down, and it’s not the first time. We need to pick ourselves up, dust our shoulders off and keep on fighting. Now is not the time to throw in the towel and expect the government to take care of us. McCain is experienced and knows how to deal with tough situations. He has the character and values I want in the next president of the United States.—-Contact Matthew Gravens at [email protected]
Riding the Gravy Train: McCain has leadership for right now
November 4, 2008