As students head to the polls to cast presidential election ballots, another election is taking place on the University’s campus. Student Government will hold its fall elections today. Voting begins at 7 a.m. and ends at 9:59 p.m.The ballot includes a student fee increase proposition of $3 every fall to supplement travel grants for student organizations from the Organizational Relief Fund. The amended SG Constitution is also up for student approval. One notable change to the constitution is the inclusion of part-time students in SG representation. “The way it used to work, colleges would get two Senators for every 1,000 full-time students,” said Drew Prestridge, SG speaker pro-tempore in an interview with The Daily Reveille on Sept. 23. “We wanted to include part-time students, too. So now the number of Senators representing each college may go up.”There are 63 students running in this election, 20 of them unopposed. Students can vote only for candidates running for positions in the college in which they are enrolled. All University students are allowed to vote for University Court Justice.Students can vote through their PAWS account, under the Student Services link. Taylor Craft, SG interim commissioner of elections, said SG added another option this year for quicker access to the election Web site. Student can go to, which will bring participants straight to the ballot. In an effort to increase voter turnout, SG will have voting stations set up at two locations on campus. Laptops will be available in the Student Union near the Information Desk and outside of Lockett Hall. “It’s just to make it easier for students who don’t have access to a computer during those times,” Craft said. “The idea is to have the stations in high traffic areas so students can just stop in and vote.”A broadcast e-mail with a link to the election Web site will also be sent to students. —-Contact Katie Kennedy at [email protected]
Fall elections begin at 7 a.m.
November 4, 2008