The votes have been tallied, and the results of the Student Government mock election show the student body leaning toward Republican Sen. John McCain for the Nov. 4 election.Of the 1,456 participants, McCain received 56 percent of the votes cast while Sen. Barack Obama finished with 38 percent. The rest of the votes were spread among Ron Paul with 4 percent and Ralph Nader with 2 percent. Five other candidates received votes not substantial enough to earn one percent.The results showed 25 percent of voters identify with the Democratic party, 47 percent identify with the Republican party and 19 percent classified as Independent.SG Senator Amanda Gammon, chair of the Governmental Elections Committee, said the mock election helped to raise student awareness of the different candidates.”I heard students talking about it, and they said they didn’t even realize there were other candidates,” Gammon said. “The results show the diversity of the LSU campus.”Louisiana Senatorial candidates John Kennedy and Mary Landrieu were also included on the ballot. Kennedy received 50 percent of the, votes and Landrieu racked up 41 percent.SG publicized the mock election via broadcast e-mail on Oct. 28. Gammon said this method may have deterred some students from participating.”We know students don’t pay attention to broadcast e-mails,” Gammon said. “But we were still able to reach more students than we normally could have, so it had its benefits.”Chloe Goins, English and history sophomore, said she chose not to participate in the mock election.”It was a broadcast e-mail, so I just deleted it,” Goins said. “I voted in the real election instead.”- – – -Contact Katie Kennedy at [email protected]
McCain wins SG mock election
October 29, 2008