Athletic Director Joe Alleva spoke Thursday about fan support at home basketball games, asking fans to fill the PMAC for every game.”What I want to do is fill up the building,” Alleva said. “I want the building full of fans for every game supporting our teams … I understand the last two years there have been a lot of no-shows.”LSU will host several promotional events to draw fans to games, Alleva said.Alleva did not mention any exact plans for what those promotional events might be, aside from mentioning the annual Pack the PMAC event.LSU will have a record number of men’s home basketball games this season. Twenty-one of the Tigers’ games will be in Baton Rouge, with 12 of them on TV.”That’s a phenomenal number of home games,” Alleva said.The women’s basketball team will have 18 home games this season. Alleva said fans that purchase women’s basketball tickets before Nov. 16 will be able to buy tickets for first- and second-round NCAA tournament games hosted at the PMAC.LSU baseball coach Paul Mainieri also spoke Thursday, saying construction on the new Alex Box Stadium is still on track.”They’re only in the seventh inning,” Mainieri joked. “There is a lot of work to do.”Mainieri also said senior Louis Coleman is more than likely to be LSU’s starting pitcher for the new Alex Box Stadium opener against Villanova.”After that we’ll decide what role he should pitch in,” Mainieri said.Mainieri is also dealing with the challenge of raising his team’s school performance.This past season LSU achieved a perfect 1,000 Academic Progress Rate but still has a 920 four-year average, below the required 925 mark. Teams that fall below 925 are subject to penalty by the NCAA.When Mainieri arrived at LSU, its APR was 903. He anticipates the recent 1,000 APR will raise LSU’s mark to 923.”There is a correlation, in my mind, between how [players] perform in the classroom and how they perform on the field,” Mainieri said. “If they have the discipline and the sense of responsibility to get the job done in the classroom … they’re going to go out on the baseball field and play better.”